In times of the growing popularity of online stores, many sellers wonder whether stationary sales can still be profitable and competitive. The good news is that there is no indication that customers will give up shopping in-store any time soon. What it comes from? For some people, the obstacle to buying online is the lack of access to the Internet or limited trust in this solution, for others, stationary sales simply offer more benefits. By visiting the store in person, they can carefully examine the products they are interested in, and if they purchase, they receive them immediately after making the payment, without having to wait for delivery.

Unfortunately, mere presence on the market is not enough to achieve success in trading. Due to the numerous competition, sellers who are able to stand out and not only retain customers, but also attract new ones, benefit - this requires creating an attractive offer, careful planning and effective advertising. What sales techniques should you use in your store to increase your profits? How to gain buyers' trust and increase your recognition?

3 ways to increase sales in a stationary store

Appropriate arrangement of products

The way products are arranged on shelves can have a huge impact on customer purchasing decisions. One of the popular marketing tricks is to place the goods that you most want to attract the attention of people visiting your store at eye level - this is an effective way to improve the visibility of your products. An attractive presentation is equally important. A chaotic display can look discouraging, so make sure everything is orderly and well-lit. The way of grouping the offer into individual categories may also be helpful - the availability of many variants or elements from one series may encourage consumers to reach for additional products and complete the entire set instead of purchasing just one item.

Display seasonal and promotional products

The season, holidays and special occasions have a great impact on what products are currently in demand. A great example here is, among others, clothing collections in clothing stores that change with each season, the increased popularity of school supplies at the end of summer holidays, or the seasonal promotion of sports equipment for summer or winter disciplines.

Moving this part of the assortment to the central part of the store, where it will be well displayed, is a simple way to increase interest in these products among buyers. New products, i.e. completely new elements of the offer, can be used in a similar waythat you want to draw attention to, or promotions, especially during periods that customers associate with more attractive conditions, e.g. Black Friday or pre-Christmas sales.

Make shopping convenient

One way to encourage customers to make a purchase may be to simply increase the convenience of shopping. How? Trolleys and baskets are not unnecessary accessories - they allow you to conveniently load selected goods, which makes it easier to move around the store and encourages you to reach for more products. It is also worth considering introducing the option of placing orders by phone or online and having purchases delivered to the customer's home - this is a common solution for larger goods, but is currently also attractive to people who avoid frequent visits to stores due to the pandemic.

On the other hand, if you combine stationary sales with running an online store, provide the option of personal pickup - saving on delivery costs and visiting the store may encourage further purchases.

How to be a good seller?

The role of a good salesperson is not limited to just handling the cash register and packing goods. When entering the store, many customers are not yet determined to make a purchase - talking to such a person is a great opportunity to present the available options, encourage them to choose your offer by emphasizing its advantages, but also the customer's interest in additional services or complementary products.

However, remember that intrusive customer service may be counterproductive – store employees should always be competent, professional and polite, so that the customer feels trust in them and knows that he can count on their help while shopping.

What influences the level of sales in your store?

Before you start considering which ideas for increasing sales will work for you, think about what factors influence the results of your store. Of course, the quality and diversity of the products offered are important, but the presence of competition in the area, prices, quality of service, name, recognition and location are also important.

Shops located in the center or on a busy street benefit from the very beginning because they are more visible and therefore more memorable. Also remember that the presentation of the store and its offer has a great impact on how customers will perceive you - is your window clearly visible from the street level, does it look attractive and encourage people to come inside? All these issues can affect whether you will be successful, so make sure to be aware of your strengths from the very beginning and build your marketing strategy on them.