Can't you imagine an ice cream dessert, waffle or pancakes without icing? Not only you! Meanwhile, most of the sweet additives offered on the market are just sugar! So we often deny ourselves this pleasure, not experiencing the true taste of sweets. Fortunately, there was a solution for this too. Thick, almost pudding-like and sweet syrups without calories! Yes, it is possible, and this is what Skinny Food serves us. There is no sugar, GMO ingredients or gluten. What's more, vegans can also pour syrups on their desserts. Stanro stores offer the following flavors: Vanilla, White Chocolate with Raspberries, Salted Caramel and Peanut Butter. Have you chosen your sauce yet? So here's a recipe for pancakes... from a bottle!
a glass of flour
2 spoons of baking powder
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of oil
A glass of milk
Mineral water bottle 1.5 l
You put all the ingredients into the bottle, starting with the dry ones.
You close the bottle and mix vigorously.
Pour the contents of the bottle into a pan with heated oil.
You fry it like classic pancakes.ć[:]