Would you like delicious coconut milk in white chocolate from Wedel? The fastest way is to buy them in the store. Try the summer limited edition: WEDEL Ptasie Mleczko with mango sorbet flavor or WEDEL Ptasie Mleczko with coconut flavor in white chocolate. These are delicate marshmallows that literally melt in your mouth, covered with white chocolate.
You can also make marshmallow yourself. We have an easy recipe for coconut marshmallow for you. Will you try?

Coconut foam:
400 ml of coconut milk
2 tablespoons of xylitol
3 teaspoons of gelatin (or agar)
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

30g clarified butter/coconut oil
2 flat tablespoons of cocoa
2 tablespoons of coconut milk


1. Boil the coconut milk in a pot
2. Add xylitol, gelatin and mix. Bring to a boil again. Remove from heat and add lemon juice. Mix again and set aside to cool
3. Pour the mixture into one larger mold or into small molds
4. Put in the fridge until it sets.
5. Prepare the icing - melt the fat in a pot, add cocoa and mix quickly.
Then add milk and mix. Wait until the icing cools down slightly.
6. When the icing has cooled down slightly, remove the foam from the mold and spread the icing on it. Small pieces of marshmallow can be completely covered in chocolate.
7. Put the smeared marshmallow back in the fridge until it sets - about 30 minutes
8. Remove from the fridge and cut into smaller pieces - if a large form was used.

You will find all flavors of Ptasi Mleczko on the shelves of stores where MPT Stanro delivers its products[:]