Cheesecake is a must-have cake on the Christmas table and one of the most popular Polish cakes.
Do you know how many types of cheesecake there are? It is estimated that there are approximately 1,000 varieties. They differ in the type of cheese, additives, presence or absence of a base.

At MPT STANRO we have as many as for you this holiday season 11 types of cheesecake from the Łasuch brand. Our offer includes:
1. Royal Cheese Cake – on a dark shortcrust base with chocolate crumble
2. Cracow cheesecake – on a shortcrust base with dried fruit and topping
3. Cocoa Cheesecake – with shortcrust pastry and cocoa
4. Cheesecake duo – on a shortcrust base with mac and cheese
5. Bambino cheesecake – chocolate cake, cheese with chocolate pieces
6. Cheesecake with peach – with peach on shortcrust pastry
7. Viennese cheesecake – without shortcrust pastry with icing and dried fruit
8. Cheesecake with orange balls – on a crisp, dark base with candied orange balls
9. Cheesecake with raspberry – on shortcrust pastry with raspberry frosting
10. Cheesecake with tangerine – on shortcrust pastry with tangerine
11. Cold cheesecake – vanilla cheese, fruit, jelly and sponge cake

Which one do you choose? Or maybe you want to try them all?

All these cheesecakes can be purchased in stores where MPT Stanro delivers its products.[:][:]