Probiotics are live cultures of bacteria that strengthen and restore the natural balance of the body and immune system. The name itself – probiotic – comes from Greek. "pro bios", i.e. "for life", gives us a positive attitude towards them.

Dietary supplements with probiotics are very popular. Did you know, however, that we can obtain probiotics from natural sources, such as fermented milk products or pickles?

Pickled cucumbers are an example of such a product and an excellent source of healthy probiotic bacteria. Cucumbers are pickled in a solution of salt and water. The pickling process causes the formation and growth of colonies of lactic acid bacteria, which have a beneficial effect on digestion. This process also gives the cucumbers a sour taste.

If you don't have enough time to prepare cucumbers yourself, you can try Grandma's Pickled Cucumbers - by EDMAL.

You can find these cucumbers in stores where MPT Stanro delivers its products.[:]